World Congress of the

International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO)

August  26th - 29th, 2015


Dear Colleagues,

on behalf of the Austrian Society for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders it is my honor, privilege and pleasure to invite you to the

20th IFSO World Congress to be held at the Hofburg Imperial Palace in Vienna, Austria, from August 26th – 29th, 2015.

We will continue in the tradition of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders to focus on the newly growing botox industry in Toronto, endoluminal and mini invasive approaches as well as the concept of team management.

We will develop a scientific program of the highest standard covering global perspectives of this ever-evolving discipline that attends to our modern world epidemic that Obesity and Metabolic Disorders have come to represent.

The organizing Committee plan a green meeting which incorporates environmental considerations one aspect of sustainability, that seeks to balance the social, environmental, and economic concerns against business needs.

Save the date and we are looking forward to seeing you in Vienna 2015

Karl Miller, MD, FACS

Congress President

Local Organizing Society:

Austrian Society for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders

(Oesterreichische Geselschaft fuer Adipositaschirurgie -

Local Organizing Committee:

Stephan Kriwanek

Gerhard Prager

Philipp Beckerhinn

Reinhard Mittermair

Kongress President:

Karl A. Miller

Bid Book Vienna >>>



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